Mobile Suit Gundam Seed HD Remaster Episode 42


UPDATE: Have an amazing weekend, everyone. I’ll be enjoying Project X Zone on the way there and back. Maybe one of these days I’ll post my game list on here.

Ok, so, I’m gone all weekend starting in about 12hrs from now. When I get back I plan on looking at my subs and fixing everything again from 25→ That means, I’ll be releasing 8Bit MP4s as I go, and trying to catch everything else up. Don’t expect them in a week though.

The reason why is now that I’ve read some things on timing, I’m not satisfied with those scripts.

Also, this will prepare everything for the batch (which more than likely will have everything as v2’s)

On that note, I will be doing 1-24, but probably as batches of episodes. But they are low priority.

And to finish it all off, I give you a picture.


Nyaa Torrent: Torrent 720p 10bit
DDL @Flipside: Episode 42 10Bit DDL
Anime Tosho: Extra DDL Links

This weekend~♪

Wedding -> Best Friends BDay. Not going to be able to to see two of these friends for a while as they’re moving from PEI ~ Ontario…

Episode 42 is half done. I need sleep T-T someone come and smother me so I pass out for a week. WKCII still not done. Finishing up the Errands and Bounties.

FFX|V Beta is amazing. I can’t wait til I get the full game. I’m on Leviathan server and will be when the official game comes out.

Thanks for understanding guys ♥ When I get back on Monday I’ll try and pump out what I can before I get shoved in a car on the 27th to drive up to Ottawa for another wedding.

Episode 42+

FFX|V Beta happened this weekend. White Knight Chronicles II servers go offline on Tuesday. Expect the episodes after that. I’m sorry. But with only 2 days left, I want to help as many people as I can with my high level character and her mod bow.

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed HD Remaster Episode 41


Yay! Three Ships Alliance, go!

I apologize for the delay. Every week I promise it at such a time, and I end up delaying. Thanks for sticking with me 🙂 We’re almost done~♪

And yes, NKS and I plan on doing the GSD Blu-Rays. Expect those eventually.

All other forms of Gundam Seed (10Bit MP4, 8Bit MKV, 8Bit MP4 and Scripts) are currently delayed until I have time to re-time them. I’m sorry. Expect them after June 18th.

Nyaa Torrent: Torrent 720p 10bit
DDL @Flipside: Episode 41 10Bit DDL
Anime Tosho: Extra DDL Links

Episode 41 Status

Update 3: DDL is uploading. Torrent will follow. For once I didn’t have to adjust the ED Karaoke. I copied 40’s ED and it’s timing fit PERFECTLY. That’s a FIRST.

Update 2: Just finishing up. It’ll be up sometime tonight or early tomorrow, internet permitting.

Update: So I screwed up my sleep schedule majorly by going shopping with mom for wedding party clothing (2 weddings in next 2 weeks). Because of this, I slept all day. I’m trying to get my schedule back on track, so it won’t be out tonight. (and by off track, I mean I was up at 3am and stayed up til 4pm…)

Being worked on right now. Going to get about half done, take a nap, and finish it hopefully tonight. At the latest, expect a Monday evening release.

And I know I’ve said this before, but it’s only me 😛 I can’t pass it off to someone else if I feel tired or want to kill stuff in WKCII.