University and FF14


Subedit! How are you going to spell Cagalli wrong EVERY TIME yet you manage to NOT BUTCHER Ptolemaeus?

Update Progess: Waiting on Karaoke.
Karaoke: Can’t time on laptop due to slowdown.
QT: Final go over of laptop timed subs.

Yada yada I am a horrible procrastinator. However, 18/20 on my Japanese test 😀

…lets not talk about the Sensation and Perception test.


So I’m not sure who all has heard about FF14’s problems, but here…

I’m an officer of my Free Company in 14. I’m not 50 and I’m being pushed to get to 50 ASAP because I’m a healer who’s worth her weight in gold.

Because of this, I’ve been pushing myself to exhaustion trying to catch up. See, I like the story. I love doing dungeons, but because of the limitations on characters, due to repeating earlier dungeons, I started having trouble doing later dungeons and NOBODY would do them with me and queue’ing took forever.

I’m now level 48. It’s because of this that the last 2 episodes of Seed are being delayed.

This is why they’re delayed, and I’m sorry.